Women in the business world often talk about the importance and benefits of supporting each other. That's why we asked the women of Young Entrepreneur Council how they tap into the right resources and lift up other female leaders in the process. Here's how they've achieved their own success and helped their fellow female entrepreneurs do the same.
Jennifer Barnes, CEO & Founder, Optima Office provided the following advice.
Female entrepreneurs should join peer groups, such as executive forums or industry organizations. These types of resources are great for entrepreneurs because you can build your network and learn. With executive forums, you get exposure to new ideas and approaches, as well as learn how others are dealing with similar issues. Industry organizations keep you aware of what is happening in your industry and what opportunities there might be for you and your business. I support other female leaders by speaking at events, providing professional advice and connecting them to people they should know or can help them with an issue. I also hire some of the most amazing female CFOs, controllers and accountants in the industry.
Read the full article here. https://www.forbes.com/sites/yec/2020/04/15/how-to-access-resources-and-uplift-other-women-entrepreneurs-10-solid-strategies/#6c525f62693d