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Accounting and HR Resources for COVID-19 (July 23, 2020)

It’s the second half of 2020 and it has been bizarre, to say the least. Kids can’t go back to school in the fall, we are wearing masks everywhere we go, we can’t go out to eat inside a restaurant, and personal grooming services have been halted again. It seems like an alternate universe. Will things ever go back to normal?

I know you’ve been waiting for our latest and greatest compilation of the best information out there, so here it is! You will always be able to find all of these updates and resources on our blog at https://optimaoffice.com/optima-news/.


Quick (and important) Links:

C-19 and the uninterruptable CEO - https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/economy/covid-19/covid-19-and-the-undisruptable-ceo-five-attributes.html?id=us:2em:3na:ceoseries:awa:greendot:062620

The impact of COVID-19 and flexible space - https://www.us.jll.com/content/dam/jll-com/documents/pdf/articles/covid-19-and-flexible-space-report.pdf

Here are a few videos on the CA changes to Workers Comp: Claims Reporting and Experience Rating

For those doing business in NCCI states outside of CA. Here are the Changes: NCCI’s recent circular.



Creating Culture Strategies - https://hrtrainonline.com/webinar/creating-a-development-culture:-strategies-for-developing-employees--30088LIVE

Buy-Sell Agreements - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buy-sell-agreements-and-valuation-issues-key-components-considerations-tickets-108497737654

Strategic HR Webinar Series with Sommer Sherod. Sommer is a Benefits Partner at IOA and she brings her experience from HR leadership at Fortune 100 Companies to our clients. 2020 List and Registration at: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/sommer-sherrod-vice-president-insurance-office-of-america-26131928939


Here are some things to read and watch. Enjoy!

NO DRAMA - How To Stay Mentally, Physically Fit – COVID-19

Air Travel during the recovery - take a look

Small business owners podcast - https://sba.thehartford.com/small-business-owners/post-covid-opportunities/

A better way to lead - https://chiefexecutive.net/a-better-way-to-lead-in-a-downturn/

One of our clients wrote a book! Eva Velasquez - The Monster Inside
5 Things to ThriveThe CEO Perspective - Larry O’Toole provides his top five tips for CEOs going into the second half of 2020

Dr. Judy Blog: The Must-Haves for Your Morning Routine


Interesting Stats and Thoughts:

Boomerang resources to help you get the most out of your email below. (Our favorite resource is still the Boomerang for Outlook add-in though; if you need to reinstall it, you can get it here!

We love Bonusly and use it at Optima. It’s a great way to motivate employees and get them to engage with one another. Here is a good article from Bonusly on how to give excellent employee feedback. https://blog.bonus.ly/feedback-examples

The Paycheck Protection Program has resumed accepting applications. The deadline to apply is August 8, 2020. More info on sba.gov. Here is info from Forbes on the new guidelines and what's been going on with the PPP so far.

Here are some other resources for the San Diego community. Black Business Relief Fund supported by CSDBCC. Women's Empowerment Loan Fund supported by the International Rescue Committee.


Links we are “still” using currently to track COVID-19:

We simply cannot predict exactly what is going to happen and we cannot live our lives in fear. We can however be kind, caring, conscience and thoughtful. We can and should look out for our fellow humans and should never discriminate against others.

Jennifer & The Optima Team

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