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C-19 News You Can Use: Staying Safe


First and foremost, if you are feeling sick, STAY HOME and avoid shopping. If you are Shopping for Household Essentials or Accepting Deliveries or Mail, there are certain things you can do to stay safe.

Order online or use curbside pickup to limit your exposure to others and the virus.

Protect yourself while inside stores:

• Stay six feet away from others while shopping and in lines.
• Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering while in public.
• Go during hours with fewer people will be there, early am or night.
• High Risk for severe illness? Store may have special hours.
• Disinfect the shopping cart.
• DO NOT TOUCH your eyes, nose and mouth.
• Use touchless payment, if possible
• If you handle money or use a card, use hand sanitizer right after paying.

When Accepting Deliveries or Getting the Mail:

• Limit in-person contact (stay at least six feet from the delivery person).
• Pay online or on the phone when you order.
• Accept Deliveries without in-person contact (ask for deliveries to be left in safe spot outside).
• After receiving delivery, takeout food, or getting the mail, wash your hands for 20 sec, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.


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