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Forbes: Why You Need To Segregate Duties In Your Accounting Department

a photo of a messy assortment of papers, books, a pen, and a calculator

By Jennifer Barnes, Founder & CEO


Companies are more successful when they have a team of people working toward the same goal. However, many businesses leave an important part of operations -- the accounting and finance department -- in the hands of a single employee. It is always best not to put one person in charge of an enormously huge asset, cash!

Business owners simply don’t protect themselves enough. Many are too busy or too trusting. This trusting mindset places the company, its employees and its overall success at risk. By recognizing these risks, business owners have the enormous opportunity to create segregation of duties in their accounting departments.

Finish reading on Forbes here. 


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DISCLAIMER – Due to the daily changing environment and guidelines being provided by the government, this information could be outdated. Please contact our office for the latest updates and guidelines. Optima Office is not responsible for any actions taken due to the information provided. The information provided here is for instructional purposes and does not represent legal advice being given by Optima Office.



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