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Keep Your Financials Up-to-date - Feature on Carol Roth Tough Love for Businesses

"Reforecast all of your revenue for 2020. Determine which customers are going to be hit, and who they serve - if their revenue and their customers' revenues will be affected, so could yours. Also, designate one person to pick up mail and scan it. You don’t want anything to fall between the cracks and need to keep your financial books up to date and your compliance risks in check." Jennifer Barnes

Jennifer Barnes of Optima Office was featured in the Carol Roth Tough Love for Businesses blog

Read the full article here - http://www.carolroth.com/blog/tips-for-small-businesses-impacted-by-covid-19/

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How some companies are helping parents cope with child care during the pandemic

By: reblmarketing.com

San Diego-based accounting company Optima Office plans to hire a part-time teacher. Employees pay $20 per student per day. Optima will pick up the rest of the cost. Jennifer Barnes, CEO, said its...

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Women Lead Radio Spot - Finding Balance as an Executive Leader

By: reblmarketing.com

Join us on Women Lead Radio as Knight Campbell, your host of The Leading Edge: Women Pushing Boundaries in Life, Adventure and Leadership, have a conversation with Jennifer Barnes, CEO at Optima...

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Cooking Lessons, Care Packages and Virtual Happy Hours

By: reblmarketing.com

To show it cares about its workers, Optima Office, a San Diego-based accounting company, sent employees care packages in April and September and will likely send one for Thanksgiving.

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