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October Team Spotlight: Meet Alfred Yang

Alfred has been working as a staff accountant at optima for 9 months.

Alfred's first thought was that the Optima team was caring. As a staff accountant who just graduated from college with little experience, Optima office wass the best place for him to get started. Optima has set him up with a lot of clients, so he is getting familiarized with different kinds of work. All of the controllers & senior accountants on the team are so nice and willing to share their experiences with him and give him tips on better understanding problems. He is here to appreciate his co-workers. First is David Brummel, who helped him with a lot of basic problems. Second is Marie Thorsted, who is his mentor and that helps him with a lot of questions about work and life in general. They really have a good time every month when they meet for lunch. He really appreciate to Anne Nolie, who helped him get familiar with most of his clients and helped him save time. He also needs to send thanks to Jovita Lomibao, Karen Alexander, Rachel Calsbeek, Sylvia Zobel, & Tracey A Pruitt. They are all very nice to work with and provide him with a lot of feedback.

He doesn't just think accounting is about numbers, but it tells a story. You can see though the numbers that what happened to a company from where they first started until now. You can tell if the company is doing great or having a hard time. He enjoys using his knowledge to help them manage their company.

He is originally from China, and is studying to get his MBA. He hasn't had a chance go back to China for 3 years since COVID and is looking forward to seeing his family and friends again soon.

He loves basketball, bicycling and hiking. He plays basketball with a bunch of friends every Wednesday to keep himself in good shape. Sometimes he goes bicycling along the beach and he likes downhill bicycling too. He recently started hiking because his girlfriend loves hiking, and because he likes the feeling that when he puts a lot of effort climbing up the hill and walking along the trail, he is able to see the beautiful destination. No pain no gain.

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