Optima Office News & Insights

September Team Spotlight: Meet Tracey Pruitt

Written by admin | October 12, 2022

Tracey's role at Optima Office is a Senior Accounting Manager, she has been with Optima for 3 ½ years.

Tracey's favorite aspect of working at Optima is the diversity of clients, as well as her fellow employees being kind, caring, and eager to help when needed.  She also enjoys the flexibility of the work life balance.

She has been doing accounting over 30 years and loves all aspects of accounting. She loves cleaning up clients books, having their books accurate and professionally looking. 

She was born in Long Island, NY and has traveled thru the years from NY, to NJ, to PA and back to NJ. The longest place she lived was Michigan from 1976 to 2012, then to Florida for 4 years, and transferred to California for 7 Years, and now back to Florida again. All the moving to be with her family and friends. 

She loves cooking and has been in the food business most of her life, while growing up around the food service industry. She loves to entertain family and friends, work out and walks 4 miles every day. She enjoys the beaches and being outside. She loves sports and going to sporting events, dancing, and concerts. She enjoys walking her 2 dogs, Carly and Cosmo, as well as walking on the beach and seeing the beautiful sunsets.