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Forbes: 12 Traits To Look For In Someone Who Is Ready To Take On Larger Tasks

When you are looking for someone in upper management to take some larger tasks off your plate, how do you identify who's best suited for the job?

As an entrepreneur, it's easy to want to do everything yourself. In the beginning, perhaps that's what you've had to do. But now that you've built up a team, it's prudent to pass along some tasks to other team members. One good option is to pass along tasks to employees in upper management.

The trick is, many workers in upper management are already juggling a lot of different tasks. How do you decide who to delegate a task to? We asked members of the Young Entrepreneur Council how to better identify these people. The answers ranged across the board but they all pointed toward the person who would be best suited to the task.

12. Will and Skill

Giving people real-world questions is a great way to see how they would handle the position. I look for someone who is quick-witted and intelligent. It’s also important to find someone that you “like.” Someone that you know would work well with you. At the end of the day, you need someone who has the will, the skill and the personality to work well with you. - Jennifer Barnes

Company culture is essential to a successful business - Jennifer Barnes, was recently featured in Forbes. Read the other 11 tips at:

Article Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2018/07/05/12-traits-to-look-for-in-someone-who-is-ready-to-take-on-larger-tasks/#1aa4596865bc 


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