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Jennifer Barnes: Empowering businesses to scale with exceptional success

Running a business in today’s era of cutthroat competition is indeed a mammoth task. Many business leaders, especially those just starting, face several difficulties in their journey. One such difficulty is managing crucial tasks like accounting, operations, and human resource services. While ensuring you have these areas dialed in increases your chances of success, they can also be time-consuming and deviate entrepreneurs from the actual task of business generation. It is called working on your business instead of in your business. Set on a mission to help entrepreneurs with these critical tasks is Jennifer Barnes, Founder, and CEO of Optima Office, Inc. She was recently awarded the Business Journal’s Top Corporate Citizen award, made it on the esteemed list of the SD500, recently won the medium category of Women of the Year from the SDBJ and her company Optima was named a top place to work 3 years in a row by multiple publications.

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Hidden Gems: Meet Jennifer Barnes of Optima Office

By: Mike Mance

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Barnes.

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nonprofit CFO services

Optima Office CEO Wins 2024 Social Impact Changemaker Award

Image of Braedon Stern
By: Braedon Stern

Optima Office, along with CEO Jennifer Barnes, has been recognized with a significant honor, as Jennifer Barnes was named the winner of the Business Social Impact Changemaker of the Year at the 2024...

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Positive Mindset Tips for Small Business

By: reblmarketing.com

100. Show Gratitude

One tip that I follow on a daily basis is showing gratitude. Wake up, skim through emails, exercise and find things to be appreciative for. Exercising, even just a 20 min walk...

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