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Jennifer Barnes: Turning Adversity into Opportunity

Jennifer Barnes (right) with her husband Loren Barnes (left) and their child Mason (middle)

"Meet Jennifer Barnes" was first published on October 8, 2024. In the interview with Bold Journey, Jennifer Barnes, CEO of Optima Office, shared her inspiring story of resilience, optimism, and business success. Jennifer's journey highlights how maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on solutions can lead to great achievements, even in the face of significant challenges.

“I don’t dwell on the past or wish things were different,” Jennifer shared. “When my partners took my business from me, I used that experience to fuel my success. I rebuilt from the ground up, and today, Optima Office is stronger than ever. I believe in always looking forward and finding the silver linings in life’s toughest moments.”

If you’d like to read more, click on this link: https://boldjourney.com/meet-jennifer-barnes/

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Jennifer Barnes, Optima Office, CEO, Entrepreneur

Meet Jennifer Barnes

Image of Braedon Stern
By: Braedon Stern

The blog "Meet Jennifer Barnes" was first published on June 20, 2024. In her feature with CanvasRebel Magazine, Jennifer Barnes, CEO of Optima Office, shared her inspiring journey of perseverance,...

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Remote work; flexibility, asynchronous

Strategies For Maintaining Cohesion in Remote Teams

Image of Braedon Stern
By: Braedon Stern

In the article "9 Strategies For Maintaining Cohesion in Remote Teams" by The Young Entrepreneur Council, various strategies for fostering cohesion and motivation in remote teams are highlighted....

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BBB4Good Verification

Optima Office Earns BBB4Good Verification

Image of Braedon Stern
By: Braedon Stern

At Optima Office, we’ve always believed in doing business the right way. That's why we're pleased to share our recent BBB4Good Verification.

Receiving this verification underscores our ongoing...

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