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December Client Spotlight: Children's Paradise

Children's Paradise

Children’s Paradise Inc. is a state-of-the-art early learning company, providing “Family Care” to thousands of children and families every day. The difference they make is incredible as families using their services no longer need to scour for other options or ideas to raise healthy and strong children. Children's Paradise becomes their strong family-partners and seamlessly creates access to resources, fun events, exceptional education, and high-quality care.

Children's Paradise's B.H.A.G. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is to serve more than 25,000 families every day and reach $500 million in gross revenue by 2032.

Children's Paradise Founder, President, & CEO, Julie Lowen, has learned that a successful person is simply a failure who refused to quit! She has learned to reach for the highest and best and settle for nothing less. She also believes that generosity and gratefulness are key ingredients for a successful life.

Julie loves how the Optima Office staff truly listens to her. She is not an accounting professional, yet the Optima Office Team never talks down on her nor causes her to feel incompetent. Optima's professionalism improves all of Children's Paradise's internal processes with sage advice and workable solutions. Julie also LOVES that they got almost $500,000 in ERC because Optima Office Staff took the time to review Children's Paradise in detail to determine their eligibility (The last company Children's Paradise worked with said they did not qualify without seeking information to make that determination!!) Optima Office is professional, highly qualified and a MUST have on Children's Paradise's corporate team of advisors.

Julie appreciates the variety which accompanies her job as CEO. Julie has severe ADHD and over the years she has worked hard to be sure she can keep her over-active brain engaged by creating a fun-loving and electrically charged company. Julie adores the people she works with, but most of all she LOVES the difference they make every day in the lives of children and families. Children's Paradise profoundly changes the world for the better through their work.

Julie is inspired by her parents who sacrificed themselves and their ultimate desires so that they can bring great children into the world and mold them into game-changers for the universe. She is also inspired by her grand-parents and families who work as a team to ensure children thrive. Julie LOVES to go dancing with her friends and LOVES getting down to a great playlist of Funk Music.

Children's Paradise is in the process of building several new childcare/family-care facilities. They plan to host Smarty Patch Foundation fundraisers to support critical needs and services for their most vulnerable families. The “Mad Hatter Tea Party” and “Help a Kid by Being a Kid” Events will return once again as these new venues open across San Diego County. More to come...

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