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Facing Adversity At Work? 10 Ways To Build A Thicker Skin


At times it can be difficult to turn off our emotions—especially when it comes to separating personal feelings and work. While it’s perfectly normal to have negative feelings in the face of difficult work situations, wallowing in these emotions for too long can affect your job performance as well as your overall well-being.

Whether you’re dealing with low confidence, adversity, or rejection, building a thicker skin can help you make it through whatever professional challenges you're facing. Below, 10 members of the Young Entrepreneur Council share some tips to help you brush off feelings of negativity and press onward.

5. Take A Break

Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or emotional, take a 30-minute break. Go for a walk, get up and work on something else, or call a trusted advisor. The break will give you time to calm down, take a fresh look at the situation, and reevaluate your answer or action before you do it. - Jennifer A Barnes, Optima Office, Inc

Read full article here. https://www.forbes.com/sites/yec/2020/05/19/facing-adversity-at-work-10-ways-to-build-a-thicker-skin/#11f30c962f40


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