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Optima Office Launches New Mentor Program for Team Members


Optima Office Inc. has launched a new Mentor Program aimed at empowering the firm’s employees to thrive. The initiative is designed to create a more inclusive work environment, help retain employees, and promote more people from within the organization. It will offer structure, guidance, and support for all levels of employees, and will provide team members with resources they may need while ensuring the firm is able to meet defined goals.

James Masias, Executive Vice President, and Jilian Dimitt, Director of Human Resources, will ensure the success of this program by acting as its senior leadership. Initially, the Mentor Program will consist of both one-on-one mentoring and e-mentoring, each striving for a flexible environment with specific goals in mind. The Mentor Program will offer employees the opportunity to build quality professional relationships with colleagues who might have more industry experience, knowledge, or expertise in specific sectors. The program is fully voluntary, and participants will be identified by Senior Leaders and the Employee Relations Manager, and then paired based on disparities in seniority. The initial pairing goal will be six months, with regular check-ins to ensure the enrichment and satisfaction of everyone involved.

Optima Office always aims to offer employees new opportunities to learn and thrive in their personal career journeys while building quality relationships with colleagues. Optima’s motto is Happy Staff = Happy Clients, and the Mentor Program is just one more way the firm aims to optimize the success and well-being of its team.


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