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Ensure Equitable Recruiting And Hiring Practices

Post Date: Apr 30, 2024 8:56:10 PM

Braedon Stern
HR; Recruitment

In the article "Ensure Equitable Recruiting and Hiring with These Nine Practices", Jennifer Barnes, CEO of Optima Office, discusses methods to ensure a fair selection process:

"Give the same assessments to everyone. For example, at my company, we give everyone who works for us an IQ test and a 'tolerance of ambiguity' assessment, regardless of their level or position. How well you handle change is important for us as consultants in a fast-growing firm. We also do a personality test to help determine whether someone is a good cultural fit for the organization." For more insights on equitable recruiting and hiring practices, read the full article here.

For organizations looking to enhance their hiring practices and ensure fairness in candidate selection, Contact Optima Office.

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