News & Insights from Optima Office
Employee Spotlight: Sarah Walker, Office Manager
Sarah is a fireball administrative manager who has been working with Jennifer Barnes for three...
Year-End Financial Checklist For Your Business
Are you ready for the end of the fiscal year? We’re close to the year end and there is less than a...
6 Ways Accountants Help Business Owners Make Smarter Business Decisions
There are many benefits of hiring an accountant for your business. Accountants have a deep...
Accounting Tips for the New Year Your Business Needs To Do Immediately…if you haven’t already.
With the start of the 2018 fiscal year, many financial deadlines will need to be met by business...
12 Ways Introverts Can Break Out of Their Comfort Zone and Become Strong Leaders
By Young Entrepreneur Council, Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization...
Small-Business Owners Name The Best Tools And Resources They've Invested In
Written By Dinah Wisenberg Brin