Requirements for Keeping Paycheck Records
In the article "Requirements for Keeping Paycheck Records," Skye Schooley, Business Operations...
In the article "Requirements for Keeping Paycheck Records," Skye Schooley, Business Operations...
Learn about "What a Fractional Executive can do for your startup, " by Optima Office CEO Jennifer...
In this video interview, Optima Office CEO, Jennifer Barnes discusses Stay Interviews and Exit...
‘Quiet Hiring’ is the managerial practice of putting additional work responsibilities on employees...
Many companies write job descriptions once and then fail to update them as business needs or...
Small business owners are faced with challenges and risks they’ve never had to anticipate, but they...
As the pressure to find childcare mounts, working parents are seeing fewer options. To help with...
The key is to not let it go unchecked, says Jennifer Barnes, CEO of Optima Office, an accounting...
As women entrepreneurs themselves, the following members of Young Entrepreneur Council have...
Whether you're creating a short ad for TikTok or a longer-form video series on YouTube, the quality...
There are new laws or rules employers in California need to be aware of. What are the top HR laws...
Across the world, concerned citizens are wondering: Why are gas prices so high, supply chains so...
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